Saturday, February 9, 2008

Is anybody listening to me?

Hi All,

My name is Michelle, and I am a first time blogger. I've never been one too keen on technology or very interested in computers, but it seems like I can't escape my fate. Born in Silicon Valley and raised by a Software Engineer mother and a Dot com CEO/Home Theater Specialist father; I have finally accepted the inevitable truth: I too am a tech geek. This blog is my "coming out" party which combines my love for creative design, technology, and desire to fix absolutely everything around me.

Welcome to Totally Buggin' where I sound off on things that bug me and suggest tech solutions to make it all better.

"All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness."
~Mark Kennedy

Although I believe all inventors have enough intelligence to question the world around them and decide to do something about it, I also find Mr. Kennedy's statement to be amazingly insightful. Most of my ideas come from my own laziness and desire to get chores done faster so I can relax for the rest of the day.

Isn't that what we all want? And is it really so bad?

I am currently a full time student at the University of Southern California majoring in Business Administration and also work part time at Toyota Financial Services in the Business Technology Solutions department. Both are extremely satisfying and I feel very fortunate to have learned so much from each. That being said, I also relish any time I get to myself.

Most of the time I can be found at the Coffee Bean downstairs from my apartment, at any mall in the LA area, or in front of the TV catching up on any shows or games I have missed (thank God for Tivo!).

I have an interest in pretty much anything you can name: sports, fashion, entertainment, architecture, animals, and technology; but the one thing I know I love is laughing. It could be the reason my favorite movie is Billy Madison, despite all the action packed or sweep-me-off-my-feet movies I've seen. The title of this post is actually a Billy Madison quote, and I apologize for any more that will inevitably slip out in the posts to follow.

Now that you know what this blog is about and a little more about who I am, I'll leave you with a taste of things to come...

I will do my best to keep up with the onslaught of innovations coming out and let you know if any are especially intriguing. But mostly I will finally write down all the ideas that tend to invade my mind when something in my everyday life seems to be a little too hard.

I would really appreciate hearing anything that irks you as well; I'll look at any comments left and find a solution on the market or dream up one of my own.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope the next post sparks an interest, or at the least, entertains.

Have a wonderful day!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great idea Michelle! My annoyance: why do all power plugs for all your gizmos need to have different connectors, voltages, amps, etc. Can't they build the inverters and any other electrical conversion into the gizmo itself?